Submit Your
Final Project Report
All grant recipients are required to:
- Submit a Final Project Report within thirty (30) days of completing a grant project.
- Submit detailed accounting to the Grant Administrator of all Sudbury Education Resource Fund Inc. (“SERF”) funds expended as part of this grant.
- Publicize the project directly to parents and teachers via means such as email, classroom bulletins, school newsletters, bulletin board displays, and PTO postings.
- Collect and submit captioned photographs of students at work, work samples, and/or other visuals for publicity purposes.
- Label, as provided by SERF, items purchased with grant funds.
- When issuing statements and/or press releases describing this project, the following information MUST be included:
- “This project is supported by a grant from the Sudbury Education Resource Fund.
- When speaking with the press, you agree to recognize SERF’s funding of your project.
Please contact our Grant Administrator with any questions at